Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blogging Fail...

I am quite aware that I have not blogged in almost 4 weeks now. My completely failure at keeping this blog really hit me when I realized that my time here in London is half way over. What a completely and utterly depressing thought... In the past 4 weeks I have gallivanted around the city of London, visited Paris, Rome, and Amsterdam, as well as had a visit from my parents and my little brother. So as you can tell, I have been quite busy. I have tried to keep my Facebook updated with all of my pictures from my travels, but hopefully I will have time somewhat soon to write a few short blog entries about the trips I have taken and my life as a Londoner.

Each day I feel luckier and luckier that I have the privilege of spending an entire semester in Europe. It's truly an incredible experience, and I wouldn't have ever picked another city to actually live in, while studying abroad, besides London. The beauty and history behind all of the other cities I have visited always fascinates me and draws me in, but each Sunday night I am thrilled to return back to the city I love and I call home for a few short months of my life. Sometimes I even regret not going to college in a large city. The bustling commute to class each day is always full of excitement and I am surrounded by so much action at all times of the day. There are limitless opportunities around me and I have learned so much about the city of London- history, architecture, theater, etc.

Though this wasn't very informative, just know that I am having the time of my life and appreciating every second of it. I am the luckiest person in the world.

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